Personality Development Programme

Personality Development Programme (PDP) is aimed at increasing Employability of the Students.
Some of the salient features of the program include:

Functional Grammar in Standard English

  • Parts of speech
  • Clauses and phrases
  • Parts and Types of a sentence
  • Grammatical requirements in correct sentences
  • Plurals
  • Abbreviations
  • The importance of spelling
  • Commonly misspelled words
  • Tips on improvement of vocabulary
  • Use of dictionary and the thesaurus
  • Meanings from context

Communication Skills

  • Inputs on speech i.e. Pronunciation
  • Clarity and Diction (Pace and Pause)
  • Modulation
  • Verbal summaries
  • Spur-of-the-moment talks
  • Role-play and situational Skits
  • Just a Minute

Quantitative Aptitude

The various topics which are covered includes Equations, Ratio Proportion and Variation, Percentages, Profit and loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Numbers, Progressions, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Data Interpretation, Data sufficiency, etc.

Logical Reasoning

In this area the various types of problems that are asked in campus recruitment papers is covered. Analytical Reasoning (puzzles, linear/circular arrangement, etc.), number/letter series, analogies, odd man out, direction sense, coding/decoding, routes and networks, binary logic, Venn diagrams/cubes, etc.

Verbal Ability

The Various types of questions like jumbled paragraphs, sentence corrections, fill in the blanks, antonyms, synonyms, word pair analogies, Verbal – Non-Verbal aspects, Functional Grammar, Vocabulary Enhancement etc., are discussed with the help of classroom handouts.

Group Discussion

Training on Group Discussions is based on Situation Reaction, Group Tasks on a variety of topics ranging from the general to the technical. Focus is on creative and logical thinking, group behavior; inter personal skills, Group initiative.

Mock Group Discussions will be followed with feedback session to the entire class which would also watch the GD. While deciding on the group formation during the GD’s, care is taken to try and give extra attention to poor communicators in the class.

Interview Skills

Interview sessions focus on Interview tips, Interview attending skills, etiquette and Presentation Skills. Mock interviews are conducted with feedback session to help the students in getting prepared better.

Mock Tests

Regular mock tests are organized which help the students analyze their performance in each area.

Special Sessions

Some of the special sessions organized includes:

  • Autobiographical assessment
  • Personal and interpersonal skills
  • Time, resource and priority management
  • Self-discipline
  • Company-specific practice sessions once student gets the call

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